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AmbaFlex SpiralVeyorAmbaFlex's SpiralVeyor® is a new generation of elevators, providing high throughput in a space-saving design. It is an effective solution to the traditional issues associated with height differences. The lateral roller system, patented by AmbaFlex, is simple and reliable, rendering controls and sensors redundant. The continuous motion represent the perfect solution for situations involved with unstable products and high production speeds.
The SpiralVeyor® ML (multi-level) offers great flexibility, merging products onto or diverting from the SprialVeyor on different levels. Combined with various order pick modules and order release systems, the SpiralVeyor has been proven to be extremely successful in many industries and across a wide range of applications.
SpiralVeyor AmbaFlex
  • Only (1) drive needed for height differences exceeding 15m
  • Transports heavy items (even if not positioned centrally on the belt)
  • Belt choice types with or without high friction
  • Belt maintenance without using tools
Tailor made to meet your specific configuration, SpiralVeyor® is the perfect solution to elevate your facility. 
For more information on AmbaFlex's SpiralVeyor® and the benefits and advantages either may have for your company's operation, contact CHC or your Sales Engineer.
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Conveyor Handling Company (CHC) was founded in 1975 with sales and service branches along the Mid-Atlantic region. Our material handling solutions include:
Conveyor Solutions
Automated Storage Solutions
Picking Systems
Scanning & Vision Systems
Automated Guided Vehicles
WCS Software & Controls
Rack, Shelving & Storage Equipment