The new and very affordable RiderLift™ RML, by Wildeck, allows authorized personnel to safely travel with their material handling between levels. The RiderLift™ is the ideal solution to better utilize the capacity gained in your facility from mezzanines, rack systems, pick modules and modular offices.
The hydraulically-operated standard RiderLift™ has a cantilever design that is available in both "C" or "Z" loading patterns. It boasts numerous safety features and complies with the safety code for elevators and escalators.
Benefits Include:
- Increased material handling efficiency and enhanced utilization of your facility capacity
- Saves time and increases security by having workers ride with their material
- Improves safety and reduces lost time accidents (no carrying boxes up-or-down stairs)
- More affordable and easier to install than a passenger or freight elevator
With a lifting speed of 20 FPM and lifting capacity of 2,500 lbs., RiderLift™ alleviates the need to climb stairs or rely on someone else to off-load material when your lift reaches its destination. The operator is in total control with RiderLift™ rideable material lift.
For more information regarding Wildeck's RiderLift™ (RML) and the benefits it may have for your company's operation, talk to your Sales Engineer.
Conveyor Handling Company (CHC) was founded in 1975 with sales and service branches along the Mid-Atlantic region. Our material handling solutions include: