Kardex Remstar, responding to the trend towards wider product ranges, smaller batch sizes and 24-hour service support, has launched a new product innovation, the LR 35 Vertical Buffer Module. This bin handling system is a highly efficient solution for storing and retrieving lightweight, small-volume items. The new design is capable of fast delivery when picking small parts; meeting the demand for greater flexibility, ergonomics and energy efficiency in intralogistics.
At the core, the unit is a shelving system with automatic bin handling, picking stations and its own logistics web-based software. The LR 35 is the solution for any company involved in handling single-part or small-volume orders. Trays, bins, or totes of different heights can also be mixed and stored together. Each load carrier can hold up to 35 kg (77 lbs). Goods can be directly stored in standard bins/totes or on a tray that is compatible with a mini-load system. There is no longer any time-consuming repacking.
Compared to other common storage solutions, such as mini-load systems, the LR 35 excels in terms of investment costs (ROI in less than one year), order picking performance, energy efficiency and the amount of space it requires.
The LR 35 can be fitted with up to four access openings or picking stations. At the heart of each station is the turntable. Tilted at an angle of 20°, it has been ergonomically designed to guarantee stress-free working for the operator. While the operator picks one order, the LR 35 prepares the next bin and places it on the rear shelf of the turntable. As soon as the picking process is complete the turntable turns 180° and the next bin is ready for picking. This quick access to goods keeps waiting times to a minimum.
The vertical buffer module seamlessly integrates into existing processes and adapts to fit individual buildings and links to existing conveyor technology with no extra effort.
- Higher picking performance
- Reduced labor costs and fewer picking errors
- Faster ROI
- Increased employee productivity
- Smaller footprint
- Reduced energy costs
Combined with goods to person picking, this new product family can increase productivity, reduce wait time and save floor space. The LR 35 is completely scalable, to grow with your business. For more information on Kardex Remstar's LR 35 Vertical Buffer Module and the benefits it may have for your company's operation, contact your Sales Engineer.
Conveyor Handling Company (CHC) was founded in 1975 with sales and service branches along the Mid-Atlantic region. Our material handling solutions include: