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Key Considerations for an Automated Sortation System

Written by Heather Connors | June 27, 2024 1:00:00 PM Z

Automated sortation systems play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and staying competitive in diverse material handling industries. Whether you aim to streamline operations, ramp up throughput, or gear up for future expansion, it’s crucial to navigate through the options with these key considerations in selecting the optimal sortation system for your warehouse or facility.

Product Characteristics
One of the primary considerations when implementing an automated sortation system is understanding the nature of the products being handled. Are they small or large, lightweight or heavy, fragile or durable? Each product characteristic will influence the choice of sorting technology, conveyor configuration, and handling mechanisms. Delicate items may require gentle handling solutions, while larger or heavier products may necessitate robust sorting equipment capable of handling increased loads.

Throughput Requirements
One essential aspect to consider is the projected throughput of the sorting system. This entails estimating the quantity of items that require sorting within specific time intervals, such as hourly, daily, or monthly objectives. Having a grasp of throughput needs empowers companies to choose a sorting system with the right capacity and speed to efficiently meet operational requirements. This forms the basis for system design and capacity planning. Understanding the continuous throughput level necessary for your operations is critical in selecting a sorting system that can effectively manage the expected workload. Whether your operations call for a steady sorting flow or sporadic surges, opting for a system with suitable recirculation capabilities guarantees uninterrupted operations and reduces downtime. Failing to accurately assess throughput can lead to congestion, delays, and ultimately, reduced productivity. 

Space Necessities & Constraints
How much space do you need between products? Determining the appropriate gap between sorted items is crucial for smooth operation and preventing collisions. Evaluate how this spacing will be managed within the system—whether through conveyor adjustments, sensor technology, or other means—to maintain an optimal flow throughout the sorting process.

Space availability within the facility is also a critical consideration when designing and implementing an automated sortation system. Businesses must assess the layout of their warehouse or distribution center to determine the footprint available for installing sorting equipment and conveyors. Efficient space utilization is key to maximizing productivity and reducing operational expenses. By opting for compact sorting solutions and exploring vertical integration opportunities, businesses can effectively utilize limited space while maintaining high throughput levels.

Pneumatic vs. Electric Systems
Evaluating the availability of resources like compressed air is essential when considering the type of sortation system to implement. While pneumatic systems offer advantages such as simplicity and reliability, electric systems may be more suitable if compressed air is limited or unavailable. Assessing both options ensures optimal resource utilization and system performance.

Integration with Existing Systems
Seamless integration with existing warehouse management systems (WMS) and other automation technologies is vital for ensuring the smooth operation of automated sortation systems. Compatibility with barcode scanning systems, inventory management software, and other essential components of the supply chain ecosystem is essential for achieving synchronization and data accuracy. Businesses should prioritize sortation systems that offer robust integration capabilities and support industry-standard communication protocols to facilitate interoperability.

Scalability and Flexibility
As businesses evolve and grow, their sorting requirements may change. Therefore, selecting a sortation system that offers scalability and flexibility is vital to future-proofing operations. Opting for modular sorting solutions that can easily grow or be reconfigured to meet evolving needs offers businesses the flexibility to adjust to changing market trends and efficiently expand their operations. Moreover, having the ability to tailor sorting criteria and handling options allows businesses to serve a wide range of products and meet customer demands without disruption or the need for extensive reengineering.

Maintenance and Support
Like any complex equipment, automated sortation systems require regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Businesses should consider the availability of service and maintenance support when selecting a sortation system vendor. Choosing a reputable supplier (integrator) with a track record of reliability and responsive customer support can mitigate downtime and minimize disruptions to operations.

To successfully implement an automated sortation system, it is key to carefully weigh these various factors. Thereafter, in selecting a system that aligns with specific needs and objectives, businesses can unlock the full potential of automation and drive efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in today's dynamic material handling landscape.

Author: Heather Connors, Director of Marketing, CHC

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